Sunday, January 30, 2011

What exactly is a walkabout?

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a walkabout is "a short period of wandering bush life engaged in by an Australian aborigine as an occasional interruption of regular work; a walking tour; a journey."  No, I am not an Australian aborigine, but yes, I will be engaging in a short period of wandering through the continent of Australia (possibly in the bush).  Over the course of the next five months, I will be engaging in what is popularly known as a period of "self discovery."  Cliche, yes, but true nonetheless.  I am excited and nervous to take a break from my regular work and life at Colgate to delve into a vastly different culture.  There have been many experiences in the past which I have grown from or learned more about myself; however, I presume I will be faced with a new set of challenges and insights as I live, work, and interact with Australian citizens. 

And for all my fellow Lost fans out there; "walkabout" explained by the man himself...