Monday, February 28, 2011

Life at Uni

Classes started today!  I am taking a 200-level Spanish subject, a 300-level cognitive psychology subject, a 100-level subject on aboriginal people, and a course about non-linear physics (which I'm required by Colgate to take).  For each subject, you're required to go to either one or two lectures.  In addition to these lectures, I had to sign up for a tutorial time for each subject.  For example, for my Psyc 345 subject, there are two required lectures and four tutorial times I could choose from.  Therefore, I go to my psychology subject three times a week--twice with everyone registered for the subject and once with a smaller group of students.  I think I'm going to enjoy my tutorial times much better than the lectures because during the tutorials we can have discussions.  During the lectures, since there are so many students in each class, you just listen to the professor speak and take notes.  I'll rather engage with my UOW peers through intelligent discussion.  I've had a few classes with older students (above the age of 30), which was surprising to see at first. 

The UOW campus is quite large and each building in labeled with a number.  Students here don't refer to buildings by their name, they refer to buildings by their number.  Also, there are many places to eat and sit outside around campus, which I will be taking full advantage of! 

There is a strange student demographic at UOW; there are about as many Asians as there are Caucasians and there are hardly any black or people of Hispanic descent.  I was hoping that going to a more international university would provide exposure to a greater diversity of students, in terms of ethnic background.  Also strange is the relationship between the Asians and non-Asians.  Each group tends to stick within themselves; I've only seen Asians with other Asians and non-Asians with other non-Asians.  This actually saddens me--why do people separate themselves so much from people of other nationalities and backgrounds?

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