Monday, February 28, 2011

A Word on Aussie Lingo

Despite speaking the same language, I've experienced unexpected difficulty communicating with Aussies.  The combination of fast talking and use of words not used in the U.S. makes for very confusing conversations with some people.  Below are commonly used words, which I am attempting to work in to my vocabulary:

Bloke - man, dude
Sheila - girlie
Prawn - shrimp
Barbie - barbecue
Heaps - a lot
Keen - eager (to do something)
Brekky - breakfast
No worries - Don't worry about it (seems obvious, but used in different contexts)
Holiday - break, vacation 
Schedule - timetable 
Semester - session 
Course - subject 
Wanker - idiot (or something like that)
Takeaway - take out (food) 

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