Friday, March 25, 2011

My Beautiful Uni

Last week I got a new camera!  Actually same model as my last one; it's the latest Sony Cyber Shot.  I brought my last Sony camera snowboarding and soon after that, the pictures started coming out horrible (i.e. coloring was off, lines appeared on the screen, etc.)  I thought moisture from the air or from the snow (when I fell a few times) ruined the camera, but apparently it was just getting old!

The first pictures I took with my camera were of uni.  The UOW campus is very beautiful... much different foliage than you see on the Colgate campus. 

This is a panoramic shot of one of the ponds on campus.  Whenever I need a break from doing work, I go to this spot, sit on one of the large rocks, and just think.

This is the same pond, but this picture more accurately reflects how still and beautiful the water is.

A small waterfall, or babbling creek, as us Colgaters like to say.

 One of the bridges on campus... adds a nice touch to the billowing ferns and palm trees.

This is the pathway I walk to get back to the bus stop.  So picturesque!  And so typical of Australian culture.  See that guy walking?  Yes, he does have a surf board in his hand, and yes, this is a common sight.  Australians love to surf... all the time.

Today, George's family came to pick up all his stuff from his room.  I saw his mom, dad, grandparents, and two sisters.  I can't imagine the grief they are feeling at this moment.  They were here for quite a few hours, but I could only walk past once because it was just too sad to watch.  Now George's room is really empty.  There is no physical evidence of George left on Campus East; he's only a memory now.  It's funny how physical objects bring comfort after someone has passed.  Maybe it's because they represent that person, and those objects are like strings, which attach you to the memory of that living, breathing person.  The absence of any sense of George is the saddest thing of all, because George was the one who brought life to this campus.  And now he's gone.  And it still doesn't feel real.

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