Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Professor's House for Dinner!

Tonight, myself and the rest of the Colgate students here (16 of us total) had dinner at our professor's house.  Whenever Colgate sends students abroad, a professor always goes with them.  The professor usually teaches the students a class and does research, in their respective field, at the university the students attend.  Our Professor, Kenneth Segall, came to Australia with his wife and two kids, both of whom are under the age of six.  They live in a house in Wollongong; Colgate bought a house in Wollongong, so each professor that comes every semester has a place to live. 

For dinner, we had a Mexican fiesta!  Actually, one of the students who came, Eric, is a gourmet chef-in-training.  So, Eric, with the help of some of our other friends, cooked the entire dinner.  It was absolutely delicious!  It's nice to get to hang out with the Colgate group in a setting different than Campus East.  You feel like a real family, sitting around the dinner table, playing with their kids, and doing the dishes.  Below are some videos from our dinner.

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