Thursday, July 7, 2011

Camp Motto

Another great day in Boston.  I'm starting to learn where everything is in my surrounding area, as well as other parts of Boston (contributing to this is my greater understanding and knowledge about the T system).  Today, before work, I went to the Post Office to mail a few things, which happens to be located (conveniently so) right near my house.  On the T, I read the "Metro" newspaper... a little newspaper highlighting events going on in Boston, as well as political/religious/etc. debates going on in the city.  At work, we eat lunch outside, or "al fresco" as most like to call it, which is really wonderful because it's so nice outside : )

I left work around 5:30 and despite my Tom Tom's estimate that I'd be arriving home at 6:05 p.m.... I pulled into the house parking lot at 6:35.  Navigating your way through Boston rush hour traffic is like pulling teeth.  Between stop-and-go, bumper-to-bumper traffic and weird round-abouts, I decided that I'd rather utilize public transportation anytime.  After I got home, I went to meet all the Manzi fellows (my internship this summer is through a Colgate fellowship program, made possible by the gracious Mr. Jim Manzi) who were having a picnic at 7 on the river.  It was 7:35 when I was walking and realized I still had a ways to go to get to the picnic site... so I turned around to avoid having to walk home in the dark an hour later!  Epic bust.  Instead of eating dinner on the river, I had a nice Ravioli dinner with some friends in the Phi Delt dining room. 

After dinner, I watched an episode of "Pretty Little Liars" with my friend, Katarina.  We wanted to watch a show the other night online... but we couldn't think of any shows we needed to catch up on.  So instead, we started watching a series neither of us had seen before!  It's one of those over-done, "I can guess what's coming next" sort of shows... but addicting, nonetheless.  Who doesn't like a show about four teenage girls, faced with the sorrows of a dead friend (who's actually seemingly not dead), all while hiding secrets of the past?

Again, this afternoon, I was faced with the on-rush of crazed Red Sox fans as they headed to Fenway Park.  I realized about an hour ago that the Sox game only added to rush hour traffic... probably making traffic worse than usual.  I had to move my car from the spot it was in earlier... and again, I saw hundreds of fans leaving Fenway.  Third night game in a row!  It's actually pretty cool though how close I live to Fenway Park; from the doorstep, you can clearly see the stadium lights of the baseball park.  Not many people can say they've lived that close to Fenway Park : )

Off to Lake Winnie, NH again tomorrow for some fun family reunion time!

P.S. I forgot to talk about our camp motto's, which I mention in the title of this post.  There are several, such as "fair is not always equal" and "lead by example."  My personal favorite is "fake it 'til you make it."  I think I'm going to try to fake my way through things more (things which I don't have much confidence in), to see if people believe me (i.e. like I know more about a subject than I really do, or that I know how to do something, or that I'm more confident than I really am in certain activities).  We've all done it, right?  I think being able to "fake it" is a good leader quality, as sad as that sounds, because the people following a leader need to have confidence in the person leading them.  Or else all hope is lost.  Because people need to know there's someone above them (or beside them) who knows what they're doing.  But that doesn't necessarily mean that leaders need to KNOW what they're doing, merely ACT like they know what they're doing.

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