Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Exploring the City

Work was great today!  One moment that stands out in my mine (oddly) is when I sneezed... and of the eight people sitting around me, five said "bless you."  You forget this simple social norm exists when you go to Australia and never hear it spoken once.  In that moment, I was exceptionally thankful to be back in the U.S.

On my way back from work, I was accompanied by several Red Sox fans on the T.  Apparently, there was another game today!  I think I might be converted to a Red Sox fan... well actually, I don't know if converted is the right word because I was never a fan of any baseball team to begin with!  I think all my Bostonian relatives would be glad to hear that : )  Instead of going home right away, I took the T to the Museum of Fine Arts... a really, really large art museum right next to Northeastern University.  I went with my friends Leo and Julio, and my roommate, Janice.  Instead of studying each and every art piece, we mostly caught up with each other, exchanging stories about work and our weekends.  Although, we did pay close attention to one of the exhibits there... "Chihuly:  Through the Looking Glass."  Within this exhibit, there were nine large pieces, each representing something different.  The art in this exhibit was all glass that had been blown and shaped... there were intricate, twirly designs, glass shaped like different mosses on logs, and glass shaped like chandeliers.  It was awesome!

After going through the museum, well actually only the first floor of the museum, we went to Panera for dinner.  Also another thing I love about America--our pickles.  I had a delicious chicken ceasar sandwich and soup... but I really had a craving for a pickle after seeing one on another girl's plate.  So, I went back up to the register and politely asked the man working if I could have a pickle...he graciously brought me to the back counter and prepared a plate of four pickles... haha.  I would do that.  I took the T and walked back to my house.  And of course, Janice and I ran in to all the Red Sox fans as they were leaving the game, which had coincidentally just ended.  Also coincidentally, after I walked up the stairs out of the subway, I walked by four older men wearing Colgate stickers on their shirts.  It took me a few seconds too long to process what I had just seen in order to muster a "go Colgate!" as they walked by.  I'm almost positive the Colgate Club of Boston had arranged an event at the Sox game tonight... so these are the things I can look forward to upon becoming a Colgate alum : )

And now here I am, writing on my blog at 11:30 at night.  Gotta go to bed now.. that's the working life for you! 

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