Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Raider Out"

I would like to apologize to everyone for not finishing out my Australia experience with one last post (before I write about my Boston experience)... so here goes : )

I can say with full confidence that the best decisions I've made regarding college are going to Colgate for my undergrad and leaving Colgate for a semester.  I don't think I've grown so much as a person as I did these past five months.  Traveling with 15 other wonderful students from Colgate, meeting and becoming friends with other Americans and Aussies alike, and experiencing all there is to experience in a foreign culture comprise one of the most influential experiences of my life.  It all began with an unforgettable trip to New Zealand, where my friends and I were introduced to the in's and out's of international travel.  From there, I experienced an "Orientation Week" worthy of any hardcore party-goer... complete with barbeque's, pub crawls, and other fun events.  I spent many hours at my professor's house cooking and eating dinner with my fellow Colgater's, traveling to Jervis Bay and the capital, Canberra, driving up the east coast to Cairns, and down the coast to Melbourne.  And within all this traveling I experienced the death of a close friend... an event that helped to define what I value most and how to make the most out of my life.  This tragic event brought me closer to everyone I met in Australia... so even though you weren't there for my whole abroad experience, George, you were there in spirit : )  Running along the Pacific Ocean, standing and the Wollongong lighthouse looking out over the coast, skydiving over the beautiful beach, watching the sun rise on Fairy Meadow beach--these are things I will never forget.  Not to mention the wonderful people I experienced all these things with : )  So, here's to lookin' at you Australia, for helping me to realize the importance of spontaneity, surrounding yourself with those you love, and challenging yourself... you'll always hold a special place in my heart <3

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