Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Australian Birthdays

Today was pretty uneventful; I had class all day and spent an hour and a half going to an ATM and trying to find some supplies for my room.  I had my Spanish tutorial from 11:00 to 12:30, Physics from 12:30 to 1:30, and Psychology lecture from 3:30 to 4:30.  It's really surprising how little people go to their lectures; in my psychology class there's probably 60 or so people, but today only 10 showed up to lecture.  Don't get me wrong, I haven't been to my Indigenous Studies lecture in at least a month (everything said in lecture you can gather from the reading), but in a class like Psychology 345, it's really hard to understand the material without going to class.

I just found out from my bank, Bank of America, that I could take money out of Westpac bank (a Kiwi and Australian bank) free of charge... good to know, now that I've been abroad for three months.  Every time I take money out of an ATM or use my debit card, I've been getting charged 3% of the purchase price, or the amount I've taken out of the ATM.  Bank of America and the Australian government have taken at least $200 from me... a big deal when you're running on a limited budget!

Three of my friends had birthday's today; one Australian and two Americans.  21st birthdays in Australia are a surprisingly big thing--Australians go all out when planning their 21st birthday parties.  It's kind of strange, because the American 21st birthday is a big deal (largely because people can legally drink at this age), but Australians can already do that at the age of 18.  Many Australians throw pretty big parties, family and friends invited, for their 21st birthdays.  Maybe I should do the way the Aussie's do this summer and throw myself a big 21st birthday party?

I haven't been feeling too well for the past few days, so I stayed in for the night doing work.  I'm going to Sydney this weekend with the Colgate group, so look forward to more exciting posts in the near future!

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