Thursday, May 5, 2011

Surprisingly Delightful

I had my best uni day today; I saw and went to many things that couldn't help but put a smile on my face.  Lucky that I had my camera today, so I was able to capture all that made me happy... and I hope they make you happy too : )

An Australian Magpie eating a piece of bread I gave to it.  According to Wikipedia, " The male and female are similar in appearance, and can be distinguished by differences in back markings. With its long legs, the Australian Magpie walks rather than waddles or hops and spends much time on the ground. This adaptation has led to some authorities maintaining it in its own genus Gymnorhina. Described as one of Australia's most accomplished songbirds, the Australian Magpie has an array of complex vocalisations."

Local ponds ducks eating bread I gave to them.  I don't know what types of ducks these are, but they're pretty, right?

What looks to be a grandmother and her granddaughter eating lunch near the pond on campus.  I was sitting near them, thinking about much I would like to have lunch with my grandmas at a pond on a sunny day : )  Love you GMags and GPat!  Again, how can you not smile at this lovely sight?

A bunch of guys playing my favorite sport--soccer.  At around 1:00 p.m., looked like they were playing a pick-up game; I really wanted to jump in but that may have been weird.

A small "carnival" of sorts going on in the middle of uni.  A fashion show was taking place in the center, surrounded by several booths with prize give-aways.  I was the lucky recipient of a free apple.

A milk bar on wheels!  Those who know me well know that milk has always been, and always will be, my drink of choice.  So a whole bus dedicated to this delicious drink, in three flavors (chocolate, strawberry, and banana) felt a little like heaven.  (P.S.- Bananas and milk should never be mixed.)  Also, this truck is not an everyday thing... special occasion at UOW today!

A stamp I bought today at uni, purely because it has William and Kate on it.  Celebrating love on a stamp... genius.

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