Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cultural Oddities

Since coming to Australia, I've noticed just how much Australians conserve everything from toilet water to non-reusable bags.  Below are some photos which demonstrate how much Australians, or rather the Australian government, likes to push conservationist policies.  (Or maybe these are just small things the U.S. doesn't do, which makes me think Australia is so much more sustainable than the U.S.)

The toilet in my bathroom.  Every toilet in Australia, and New Zealand for that matter, utilizes these two buttons to flush.  The one on the right (half grey, half white) is for a half-flush--only have as much water is used to flush your business.  Conversely, the button on the right allows for a full flush... for those days when your food just isn't sitting right.  So every time you flush, you're saving gallons of water.  Although I guess the whole water conservation thing is optional, because the option is there to be wasteful. ALSO!  Common misconception:  When flushing, the water in the toilet bowl DOES NOT flow around the bowl in the opposite direction.  The water just rushes down the hole in a flurry of aquatic excitement. 

These are the re-usable bags UOW has given me since arriving three months ago (minus one). FOUR BAGS, all for free!  Excessive much? 

Not on the topic of conservation, this is the entrance to Campus East...

Always a reminder of my Australian home!

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