Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Australian Things

I've going to start a new segment in my blog called "Australian Things."  Creative, I know, but I couldn't think of a better name for things I love, that can only be found, in Australia.  Actually, some of these things may be found outside Australia, but they will forever remind me of Australia.

Magnum:  the best ice cream bar you will ever have in your life.  This one, "Ego Caramel," is my personal favorite--regular vanilla ice cream coated in hard chocolate, but another layer of caramel and hard chocolate on top of that.  Heaven on a stick.  There's several other flavors; "Peppermint" is an especially rare Magnum species, but always enjoyable when you do find it in your nearest petrol (gas) station.

Pump/Super Pump:  your regular water bottle but with a convenient nozzle for casual sipping.  There's just something about this water bottle brand that always makes you want to drink water out of it.

Shapes:  brand of crackers in every flavor and shape possible.  Our dining hall sells these by the box, but they can also be found in your neighborhood grocery store.  My person favorites are "Chicken Crimpy," "Cheese," and "Barbeque."  Of course, each of those flavors comes in its own specialized shape.  A perfect snack for traveling on the road... my friend Keith here is modeling "Shapes" on our road trip to Cairns.

Hungry Jack's:  the Australian equivalent of Burger King.  I haven't actually been to a Hungry Jack's, but I hear it's as good as the 'ol BK... minus chicken nuggets/tenders.

Starburst "Babies" candy:  fruit chews in the shape of babies.  I guess America is alright with fruit-shaped fruit chews, but not baby-shaped fruit chews... Cannibalistic?

Milo:  the most delicious, versatile chocolate substance known to man.  "Milo" comes in powdered form, a cereal, and a candy bar... that I know of so far.  You can make chocolate milk from the powder and the cereal, hot chocolate from the power, chocolate Milo bars dipped in chocolate milk made from Milo powder... the possibilities are endless.

Tim Tams:  the most milk-dipping conducive cookie I've ever eaten.  "Tim Tams" are Australia's most popular cookie, or biscuit as they say here; they come in nearly ten different flavors.  Two biscuits with a cream layer in the middle, surrounded by a thin layer of chocolate.  If you bite the two opposite ends off, you can dip it in milk and use it as a straw.  The result:  an hard outer core of chocolate with a soft cookie inside... also heaven in a package.

Wow, almost all the things I wrote about are food!  Sweets nonetheless.  Australian 15?

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