Monday, May 23, 2011

Wonderful Weekend

First off, I'd like to apologize for not blogging for a few days!  Second, hope everyone back in the U.S. is doing well : )

This past Friday I had a physics test... and I pretty much showed it who's boss.  Or at least I think I did; we'll see when I get it back!  I was so tired from studying so much, so pretty much of all Friday afternoon I enjoyed several episodes of Season 7 of "House."  I finally learned how to stream movies on the internet here so I took full advantage on Friday (Dad, let's catch up soon!).  On Friday night I went to a local bar with a bunch of my friends... one of my friends describes it as "a room that sells beer."  I played some pool and enjoyed people watching... seemed like all of Wollongong's working class was there.  I met an Irishman at the bar--I think that's the first person I've met who lives in Ireland currently (outside from maybe two family members)!  After that, a bunch of my friends and I went to Aldi's (yes, the same one that we have in the U.S., but not as wide of a food selection) to get food to cook for dinner.  We headed over to Koolabong, which is another residential university area, although all the living spaces are like small apartments.  We made TONS of chicken fried rice, actually more all of us could eat. 

On Saturday I went to the beach for the first time in several weeks!  I know, you'd think Australia is hot all the time... but that's a sad misconception. It was probably 70 or 75 degrees, which is much hotter than it has been lately.  It was nice to lay on the beach, but in no way did I get a tan or step foot in the cold water. I did work for part of the afternoon and watched a movie at night with a bunch of my friends in the "Projector Room."  The projector room is like a mini-movie theater, although fit with big comfy couches instead.  We watched "Shutter Island"-- awesome movie!  Mostly because Leonardo DiCaprio is in it, but also because it's one of those psycho-thrillers that you just need to watch again (knowing the information you learned in the end). 

Sunday was also just a really enjoyable day.  I did a lot of homework in the morning and then at 12:30 I headed over to the "International Food Fair" that Campus East held in one of our huge parking lots.  All day Saturday and part of Sunday, teams of students took over the dining hall to cook food for their respective country. Total, there were 23 teams each cooking food from different countries.  So at the food fair, there were 23 booths with about 3 delicious dishes each.  I'd say I tried food from about half the countries... my favorite was definitely India by far.  They had butter chicken and naan... mmm, so good!  I had pad thai, which is Thai food, and fried rice from Malaysia.  I had crepes from France and kangaroo meat from Australia.  Needless to say, everyone was stuffed by the end of the fair.  There was also some cultural performances, including an Indian dancer and two of my good friends actually who've written some of their own songs.  After the food fair, I played soccer with about fifteen of my friends... also an enjoyable experience : ).

Two of my good friends, Jessie and Jesse, cooking the chicken fried rice.

Jessie and I!

The food fair--almost everyone from campus went!  Or at least I think because there were so many people there.

Indulging in some Australian "fairy bread"... buttered bread with sprinkles on top.  That's all you got Australia?  Who am I to complain... I love bread and butter.

Team USA!  Reppin' buffalo wings and peanut butter cookies.

I liked the Indian food so much I felt it necessary to take a picture of the students in front of their booth.

Team China and Team Sweden come together.  My friend from Sweden, Isak, is a pro motocross racer in his home country... sweet.  Or should I say svede?

This isn't actually a picture of the Indian food I ate, but pretty much an exact replica.  You can never go wrong with some butter chicken and naan.

Today, I've been in the library most of the day preparing for a psychology examination I have tomorrow.  Wish me luck!

My friends, Anthea and Wado, singing one of George's favorite songs, "If I Die Young."  The third guy (playing the guitar) was just an addition only for this song.  Actually, my friend's name is Sam Wade, but Australians add "o" to a lot of things they say... so instead of being called by just his last name, "Wade," it's been transformed into "Wado."

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