Wednesday, May 18, 2011

National Campaigns

When I went to Cairns a few weeks ago, I noticed that all along the highway there were signs warning people about driving while tired.  Several signs pointed toward pull-over areas... there were even billboards with sad, tired looking men, telling drivers to "Pull over before you crash."  One night, when were driving at 3:00 a.m., we tried desperately to find one of these pull-over areas, but it was to no avail.  Right when you want to sleep, you can't find a sleep area, right?  I think I noticed these signs the most in Cairns because that's one of the only times I've been in a car here; usually I take a train or bus to get from point A to B.

Take note of the "mate."  This billboard DEFINITELY came from Australia.

Another "national campaign" of sorts is one regarding the protection of people against UV rays.  We're closer to the equator here in Aussie Land, so it's pretty important to keep protected at all times.  A slogan they have here is "Slip, slap, slop"--slip on a shirt, slap on a hat, slop on some sunscreen.  Clever, huh?  Below are some advertisements, found at your local pool and beach.

Another campaign they have here is one against smoking; almost all cigarette packages have grotesque pictures of the negative effects smoking has on your body.  According to a local newspaper, "As part of the toughest antismoking legislation in the world, which is expected to go before parliament later this year, all packets would be the same colour – an ugly olive green – and will come plastered with graphic health warnings including pictures of diseased eyes, rotting teeth and young children in hospital."  The article where this quote came from dates April 2011, and I'm almost positive I've seen of these cigarette packages around already.  Actually I'm sure I have, or else I wouldn't have been prompted to look up this information about smoking.  With a government that provides most everything for everyone, they're bound to take the tax payers dollar and put it toward anti-smoking campaigns.  That was pretty harsh actually... but you get my drift.

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